• Meet the voices behind Happily Placed!. John Burton, President of Emerald Staffing, and Mary Marshall, Senior Recruiter bring an exciting take on recruiting and Staffing.

  • This dynamic duo gives the audience an insider’s peak into being a recruiter in the ever-changing workforce. From hilarious stories to tips and tricks – you will never be bored whilst they are at the mic! Pull up a chair, grab a pen, and get ready for your weekly dose of Happily Placed!

  • Join John Burton and Mary Marshall as they dole out real-life advice about how to nail your interview. In this episode, these seasoned staffing professionals have a chat about the best ways for recent college grads to prepare for their interview, nail the questions, and get the job.

    (Click to Watch – Interview Tips & Tricks from Staffing Pros)

    Interview Tip & Tricks for Staffing Pros
  • Has it been a while since your last interview? Whether you are on the hunt for a new job or just transitioning positions in your current career, having the first round of interviews can be nerve wracking.         

    (Click to WatchInterview Tips for Experienced Professionals)

  • John and Mary go over the top 6 myths and questions that they hear floating around about staffing agencies.

    (Click to WatchOur Top 6 Most Common Staffing Agency Myths)

  • John and Mary go over the top 6 myths and questions that they hear floating around about staffing agencies. 

    (Click to WatchThe Power of Positivity In an Interview)

  • John and Mary go over the top 6 myths and questions that they hear floating around about staffing agencies.

    (Click to Watch – First Impressions & Excuses At the Interview) 

    First Impressions & Excuses At the Interview
  • John, Mary and Elise talk about first impressions, what to do when you need to reschedule, and what NOT to do when you think you aren’t going to make it in. 

    (Click to WatchFirst Impressions & Excuses At the Interview)

    First Impressions & Excuses At the Interview
  • John and Mary answer some email questions and doll out advice. 

    (Click to WatchWhat Happens After the Interview?)

    What Happens After the Interview?


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